Written by John Roberts
This is Views chance to pay tribute to all that’s been achieved by the Heritage Lottery funded OPL project which has, sadly, now run its course. Centred on the landscapes of the Dee Valley and the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct World Heritage Site, the project has once again provided the kind of inspiration that historically drew artists, writers and poets to the area in years gone by.
The Project’s work has been centred on three key themes – firstly, Conserving the Picturesque. This has included work to improve relevant special viewpoints, the restoration of the Dinas Bran Gatehouse and attention to sites of industrial heritage importance like the Lengthman’s Hut at Horseshoe Falls. It’s also carried out vital work on invasive species and connecting and better managing important habitats, as well as promoting responsible access to the River Dee and canal. The establishment of the Wenffrwd Nature Reserve has been a particular success, now visited by 2000 people every month – and a total of 490 volunteers came forward to support this work
The second theme was Accessing the Picturesque which has embraced three major initiatives. Four walking trails have been established with improved signage and accompanying leaflets. A new and accessible viewpoint has been created at the Horseshoe Falls and other work has included interpretive panels at the World Heritage Site, a high quality book commemorating the project and a virtual “fly through the Dee Valley over time”.
The third theme was People and the Picturesque where the project delivered five community engagement initiatives connecting both local communities and visitors with the rich heritage and quality of the landscape. Some key heritage features at Plas Newydd were restored and artistic residencies and community workshops were a great success. There were 15 projects involving local schools, 24 young ranger days and over 2000 young people were engaged with the landscape in various ways. There were 115 community events in total with over 4500 people taking part over the 6 year life of OPL!
None of this could have been achieved, of course, without the inspiration and drive of the OPL team, initially led by Kate Thomson and then Hannah Jones, ably supported by Ffion, Sally Anne and Jilly. Friends was represented on the Project Steering Committee and had a first hand view of how demanding the Lottery Fund assessors were and how hard the team had to work to satisfy them at every stage. The success of the Project is a just reward for them all. Finally a mention too for David Shiel, who gave the oversight on behalf of the National Landscape Team and provided the full support and encouragement needed.
Well done all of you on a brilliant achievement!
Ein Tirwedd Pictiwrésg –
2018 i 2024
Dyma gyfle Views i dalu teyrnged i bopeth sydd wedi’i gyflawni gan y prosiect OPL a ariannwyd gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri sydd, yn anffodus, bellach wedi rhedeg ei gwrs. Wedi’i ganoli ar dirweddau Dyffryn Dyfrdwy a Safle Treftadaeth y Byd Traphont Ddŵr Pontcysyllte, mae’r prosiect unwaith eto wedi darparu’r math o ysbrydoliaeth a ddenodd artistiaid, llenorion a beirdd yn hanesyddol i’r ardal yn y blynyddoedd a fu.
Mae gwaith y Prosiect wedi’i ganoli ar dair thema allweddol – yn gyntaf, Gwarchod y Pictiwrésg. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys gwaith i wella golygfannau arbennig perthnasol, adfer Porthdy Dinas Bran a rhoi sylw i safleoedd o bwysigrwydd treftadaeth ddiwydiannol fel y Cwt Lengthman yn Rhaeadr y Bedol. Mae hefyd wedi gwneud gwaith hanfodol ar rywogaethau ymledol a chysylltu a rheoli cynefinoedd pwysig yn well, yn ogystal â hyrwyddo mynediad cyfrifol i Afon Dyfrdwy a’r gamlas. Mae sefydlu Gwarchodfa Natur Wenffrwd wedi bod yn llwyddiant arbennig, bellach yn cael ymweliad gan 2000 o bobl bob mis – a daeth cyfanswm o 490 o wirfoddolwyr ymlaen i gefnogi’r gwaith hwn.
Yr ail thema oedd Mynediad i’r Pictiwrésg sydd wedi croesawu tair menter fawr. Mae pedwar llwybr cerdded wedi’u sefydlu gyda gwell arwyddion a thaflenni cysylltiedig. Mae golygfan newydd a hygyrch wedi’i chreu yn Rhaeadr y Bedol ac mae gwaith arall wedi cynnwys paneli dehongli yn Safle Treftadaeth y Byd, llyfr o ansawdd uchel yn coffáu’r prosiect a rhith “hedfan drwy Ddyffryn Dyfrdwy dros amser”.
Y drydedd thema oedd Pobl a’r Pictiwrésg lle cyflawnodd y prosiect bum menter ymgysylltu â’r gymuned yn cysylltu cymunedau lleol ac ymwelwyr â threftadaeth gyfoethog ac ansawdd y dirwedd. Cafodd rhai nodweddion treftadaeth allweddol ym Mhlas Newydd eu hadfer a bu cyfnodau preswyl artistig a gweithdai cymunedol yn llwyddiant mawr. Roedd 15 o brosiectau yn ymwneud ag ysgolion lleol, 24 diwrnod ceidwaid ifanc ac roedd dros 2000 o bobl ifanc yn ymwneud â’r dirwedd mewn amrywiol ffyrdd. Roedd cyfanswm o 115 o ddigwyddiadau cymunedol gyda dros 4500 o bobl yn cymryd rhan dros oes 6 blynedd OPL!
Ni ellid bod wedi cyflawni dim o hyn, wrth gwrs, heb ysbrydoliaeth ac egni tîm OPL, a arweiniwyd i ddechrau gan Kate Thomson ac yna Hannah Jones, gyda chefnogaeth fedrus Ffion, Sally Anne a Jilly. Cynrychiolwyd Cyfeillion ar Bwyllgor Llywio’r Prosiect a chawsant olwg uniongyrchol ar ba mor anodd oedd aseswyr Cronfa’r Loteri a pha mor galed yr oedd yn rhaid i’r tîm weithio i’w bodloni ar bob cam. Mae llwyddiant y Prosiect yn wobr gyfiawn iddynt oll. Yn olaf, soniwyd hefyd am David Shiel, a roddodd yr oruchwyliaeth ar ran y Tîm Tirweddau Cenedlaethol ac a roddodd y gefnogaeth a’r anogaeth lawn angenrheidiol.
Da iawn chi gyd ar gyflawniad gwych!